NYM Rental Housing Contacts

The following list of Rental Housing Contacts contains information for apartment buildings located within the city limits of New York Mills.  Their listing here does not necessarily indicate that there are vacancies available.  Please contact those managers/owners listed for further information.  Other privately owned rental units not included in our listing may come available from time to time.  Please consult the New York Mills Dispatch for their availability.

Country View Townhomes- 
400 through 406 John Mark Ave
New York Mills  
Courtyard Property Management
Phone:    320-632-5918
Manager: Dillan Dumprope
Phone: 218-639-5715

Eagleview Apts-
90 Miller Street
New York Mills
Manager: Lynn Gallutt
Circle North Properties LLC
Phone:  651-283-5261

Finlandia Apts-
(Rural Development- Income Based Housing)
107 Edgewood Street
New York Mills
Property Mgmt: Madsen Properties.
Contact Person:  Ann
Phone:  800-728-5401
Website:  www.vanbllc.com 


Gardenview Apts-
412 Randall Drive
New York Mills
Manager:  PSAH
Phone:  218-847-5641

Hammers Rentals-
South Walker Ave
New York Mills
Manager:  Hammers Const Inc
Phone:  218-346-3550

Heritage Manor-    
(HUD-Assisted Living-Rental Assistance Available)
105 Edgewood Street
New York Mills
Manager:  Joan
Phone:  320-269-6640 extension 23


Kaleva Apts-
(HUD-Seniors 62+ & Handicapped-Housing Assistance Available)
205 North Walker Ave
New York Mills
Manager: Stacy Grosse
Phone:  218-385-3273
Email:  kaleva@schuettcares.com
Website:  www.schuettcares.com

Mills Brothers Properties-
223 South Main Ave
New York Mills
Managers: JM Properties
Michael Davis
Phone:  218-639-9095

Mills Manor Assisted living (Now Vitality Living of New York Mills)
215 Tousley Ave S
New York Mills, MN 56567
Phone: 218-385-4700

Mill Valley Townhomes
401 John Mark Ave
New York Mills  
Courtyard Property Management
Phone:   320-632-5918
Manager: Dillan Dumprope 
Phone:  218-639-5715

Parkview Apts-
407 East Gilman St
New York Mills
Manager:  Lynn Gallutt
Circle North Properties LLC
Phone: 651-283-5261


102 Miller Street Apts
102 Miller Street
New York Mills, MN 56567
Efficiency, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. 
Phone: 218-841-0023
Contact Person: Kayla Smith

Scandia Village Apts-
(Rural Dev-Income Based Apts)
104 Edgewood St
New York Mills
Property Mgmt: VanBinsbergen & Assoc.
Contact Person:  Brittney
Phone:  320-269-6640 ext 223
Email: applications@vanbllc.com 
website:  www.vanbllc.com


South Point Apartments (60 unit)
602 South Point Drive
New York Mills
Contact INH Properties (www.inhproperties.com)
Property Manager: Marsha Vandermay
Ph 320-258-6000 or 218-539-5100
Web: https://www.inhproperties.com/mn/new-york-mills/south-pointe-apartments2/default

Summer Place Apts-
(Income Restricted Housing)
105 Wendy Woods Lane
New York Mills
Manager:  PSAH
Phone:  218-847-5641

Vitality Living of New York Mills-Assisted Living
(Formerly Mills Manor)
215 Tousley Ave S
New York Mills, MN 56567
Ph: 218-385-4700
Vitality Healthcare Management
850 2nd St NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone: (218) 670-2310


White Gables Apts-
411 East Gilman Street
New York Mills
Manager: Lynn Gallutt
Circle North Properties LLC
Phone:  651-283-5261

Former Bolmgren Bldg Apts-
205 East Centennial 84 Drive
New York Mills
Manager:  Janice Griffin
Phone:  218-385-2074


 109 Walker Ave S Apartments
New York Mills
Owner: Twin Lake Property Group
Manager-Levi Peterson
Phone: 612-594-1774