Ronald McDonald House Benefit Ride-Ride Begins at Noon


Plans are underway for the 21st  Annual RMH RIDE which will be held on June 11, 2022. The route for 2022 is currently being planned.

A 2022 Harley Davidson Street Glide motorcycle is the Grand Raffle Prize. Big cash prizes are also part of the raffle.

The event is made possible by the overwhelming support of area businesses.  A huge Thank You goes out to all who donate cash along with live and silent auction items and our volunteers.

Visit us here and on Facebook to stay up-to-date on activities, routes, bands, camping and history at

 The 2022 Fun Run takes place from 3/14/22 – 6/11/22. Click below to download and print your passport. Thank you to the 120+ local businesses who sponsored the fun run this year!