New York Mills is proud of the success of its many civic groups and organizations and the impact they have on the city and surrounding area. One thing which distinguishes New York Mills area residents is their desire to be involved with friends and neighbors and their commitment to making New York Mills a better place to live.
A listing of the many groups and organizations in our area is listed below. This list includes both service organizations as well as special interest groups. Whether you are looking for a way to serve your community, or are just looking for a way to spend some enjoyable time with others, there is room for you!
If you have a group you would like to have added to our list, please contact the City Office at 218-385-2213 or email us at :
4H Clubs-Contact the EOT Extension Office at 218-385-5420 for information on the club nearest you.
Backpacks for Hunger- Volunteers help to provide nutritious food for students of District 553 by packing backpacks for weekend distribution. volunteer to help with assembly or distribution by contacting Gen Keranen at 218-639-3846 or Dianna Wallgren at 218-385-2353.
Bandwagon-Meetings are held during the school year on the 2nd monday of the month at the NYM High School, beginning at 7:00 pm. Summer schedule may vary.
Contact Person: Jodi Haman @ or 218-346-7975
Contact Person: Jodi Haman @ or 218-346-7975
Community Garden-
Contact Person: Matt Radniecki 218-385-2718
Contact Person: Matt Radniecki 218-385-2718
EOT Minnesota Darkhouse & Angling Association
56899 350th St
New York Mills, MN 56567
Contact Person: Wayne Leaderbrand
Phone: 218-385-3656
56899 350th St
New York Mills, MN 56567
Contact Person: Wayne Leaderbrand
Phone: 218-385-3656
Farmers Market-
Contact Person: Patricia Fredley @ 218-385-2187
Contact Person: Patricia Fredley @ 218-385-2187
Finn Creek Museum-Celebrating the Finnish Heritage through a living history museum. Board meetings are held monthly
Contact Person: Shell Tumberg at 218-385-3498
Contact Person: Shell Tumberg at 218-385-3498
Friends of the Library-Holds fundraisers such as the annual book sale to support our fine public library.
Contact Person: Adele Esala 218-367-2289
Contact Person: Adele Esala 218-367-2289
Grief Support & Education-(Adults) 4th Tuesday of each month from 4-5 pm, Elders Home conference room, 215 Tousley Ave South (please use South main entrance). For more information on any of the groups, please contact Lakeland Hospice and Home Care at 888-820-7885.
Grief Support & Education Group-for parents and grandparents who have lost a child (Of any age) a new Grief Support and Education Group meets the second Thursday of each month at the NYM Public Library meeting room at 5:30 pm. A light supper is provided. For more information, please contact Lakeland Hospice & Home Care at 888-820-7885.
Mental Health Support Group-meets on Tuesdays from 1-3 at New York Mills Government Building, 119 North Tousley. Contact M. King, 218-385-3689 or Renee, 218-346-7944 with questions.
MN Waterfowl Association Windy Lake Chapter-
Contact Person: Doug Harthan 218-346-3871
New York Mills Booster Club-Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the NYM High School.
Contact Person: Jake Norton 218-639-3092
Contact Person: Jake Norton 218-639-3092
New York Mills Civic & Commerce-Meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 8:00 am. Meetings are held at Eagles Cafe beginning in October through spring.
Contact Person: Latham Hetland, President at
Contact Person: Latham Hetland, President at
New York Mills Fishing League-
Contact Person: Jake Norton 218-385-3092
Contact Person: Jake Norton 218-385-3092
New York Mills Lions-General Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (from August through May) in the City Hall Ballroom at 5:30 p.m.
Contact Person: Eric Weber 218-837-6137
Contact Person: Eric Weber 218-837-6137
New York Mills Public Library- Various Book Clubs. Call the Library for more information at 218-385-2436. They also have a Lego Club for Kids!
Otter Trail Riders Snowmobile Club-
Contact Person: Dennis Tigges 218-385-3018
Contact Person: Dennis Tigges 218-385-3018
ROLA (Rural One Lung Assn)-Single cylinder antique snowmobile enthusiasts.
Contact Person: Peter Mindermann 218-385-3635 or 218-371-0119
Contact Person: Peter Mindermann 218-385-3635 or 218-371-0119
Santa Anonymous- Volunteer your time purchasing, wrapping or distributing gifts of toys, food baskets or other gifts to families who would otherwise have trouble providing for their family at Christmas. To be a part of this cause call 218-640-3254.
Contact Person: Denise Mursu 218-385-6101 or Dakota Horizons, Fargo, ND 1-800-666-2141.
Scouts-Cub--Contact Person: Lorilee Krosch 218-298-2468. Grades 1-5 pm. Meets Sundays at 5 pm at St Peters Lutheran Church, New York Mills.
Contact Person: Denise Mursu 218-385-6101 or Dakota Horizons, Fargo, ND 1-800-666-2141.
Scouts-Cub--Contact Person: Lorilee Krosch 218-298-2468. Grades 1-5 pm. Meets Sundays at 5 pm at St Peters Lutheran Church, New York Mills.
Scouts-Boy-Contact Nate & Sue Seip at 218-640-2724 for information.
TOPS #MN 917-Meets every Monday at St. Peters Lutheran Church fellowship hall. Weigh-in from 6-7 pm and meeting beginning at 7 pm. New members always welcome!
TOPS #MN 1046-Meets every Thursday at Kaleva Apts (205 N Walker Ave). Weigh-in from 8-9 a.m. Meeting begins at 9:15 am. New Members welcome.
Contact Person: Audrey Koehn 218-385-3125
Contact Person: Audrey Koehn 218-385-3125
VFW Auxiliary Post 3289-Meetings are held every second Thursday of the month at the NYM VFW at 6:00 pm
20 N Boardman Ave
New York Mills, Minnesota 56567
New York Mills, Minnesota 56567
Phone: 218-385-3510
VFW POST #3289-Meetings are held every second Thursday of the month at the NYM VFW at 7:30 pm
20 N Boardman Ave
New York Mills, Minnesota 56567
New York Mills, Minnesota 56567
Phone: 218-385-3510